- 관련 Fluke 회사:
- Fluke
- Fluke Biomedical
- Fluke Networks
- Fluke Process Instruments
MET/CONNECT and MET/CAL Trial Software
Review our Quick Installation Guide on the Fluke Calibration Support Knowledge Base.
New MET/CONNECT Customers or Current MET/TEAM or METBASE customers
This download is the 60-day trial version. Use the MET/CONNECT Server Installer to perform a new installation. This installer is included in the download link above and accessible from the splash screen.
This installation includes MET/CONNECT and MET/CAL, with 3 MET/CAL licenses. You can activate your permanent MET/CONNECT software within or after the 60-day period by logging in to the MET/CAL Runtime as the admin user and following the instructions in the MET/CAL User Guide.
MD5 Check Sum: d9c99fbebc4d947da7b47c04d7590f23
Note: This is MET/CONNECT version 2.1.1 and MET/CAL version 11.0. It does not include MET/TEAM software.
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